Last week, we took a look at how search engine advertising can drive successful targeted marketing campaigns to reach proactive patients in your local area. Now what? Once you get a user interested in a clinical trial via your ad, you then need to be strategic about where they are sent when they click that link. One of the easiest and most effective methods for gathering information of possible trial participants is with a strong landing page. You should have a separate landing page customized to each trial for which you run ads.
At its most fundamental, a landing page is a specialized page that is part of your website but not present or linked in any navigation component. This means that a visitor would need a direct URL (such as the link in your search engine advertisement) and would not be able to find the page by simply browsing your site. Thus making customized landing pages a great way to reach specific audiences for each clinical trial that you are running. Individual landing pages should be set up for each trial when deploying outreach campaigns such as social media ads, Google AdWords, and email marketing.
Let’s look at some of the essentials of a successful landing page:
Gathering Information
The landing page should display both study-specific details and a form in which interested visitors can fill out their contact information. At a minimum, you should be requiring interested visitors to enter name, email, and phone number. You can also ask how they heard about your study and find out which method is outperforming (Facebook ads, Google AdWords or email marketing). Adding one or two more questions to help facilitate the future pre-screening process is also acceptable but keep it brief. A contact form that poses too many questions or demands lengthy chunks of information will quickly disinterest prospective patients or caregivers. Even if a respondent does not, for whatever reason, end up enrolling in a particular trial, keep their contact information in a database for possible future opportunities (and help ease the patient recruitment process).
Keeping it Easy
Everything about your landing page needs to be easy and simple. The contact form questions should be brief and few (as discussed above). The language that you use should be concise and easy to understand. You want the language that you use to hold the reader’s attention and not scare them aware or make them feel not up-to-par. Remember, you want to be relatable and welcoming. As for the landing page itself, you want a clean distraction-free design. Keep it simple with just a brief bit about your trial, the information form, and a phone number for your trial site. You already jumped over the hurdle of getting interested visitors to your site. Make it easy for them to complete the desired task and don’t let potential patients get lost by clicking around.
Making it Compatible
Now that you have everything in place for your awesome landing page, make it easy for viewers to find you no matter where they are. More than ever, adults are using their smarts either as a means of casually browsing the internet or as their sole means of access to the internet. Without a doubt, your landing page needs to be both functional and aesthetically pleasing in mobile form. Don’t lose out simply because the landing page you worked so hard on doesn’t translate to mobile platforms.
A well-thought out landing page is just one component of a successful overall marketing campaign for your clinical trial. A strong landing page keeps the attention of visitors, collects vital information, and is fluid enough to be properly viewed from any device. You put a lot of time and effort into your email and advertising campaigns – keep that momentum going with your landing pages and set yourself up for a better enrollment process.
Need help with landing pages for your clinical trial? Contact us here!