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Using Google Trends for Medical Marketing Content



Content is one of the most important pieces of your practice’s overall marketing strategy. It is the foundation upon which all other components are built. The sharing of content is essential for the visibility, likeability and relatability of your practice. With attention spans low and internet providing endless distractions, it’s crucial for your practice to promote itself in a way that is engaging, informative and respected. Your content should reach out to your audience and show that you knowledgeable, trustworthy and accessible.

Google Trends is a valuable starting point to guide your content creation journey. This tools tracks the top searches and clicks across the internet. With the information available right at your fingertips, you can tailor your content to fit what people are talking about, worried about, and interested in at any given moment.


Blog Topics

Google Trends is an excellent starting point to get the creative juices flowing before you dive into your content creation. Browse blog topics and categories to brainstorm how these can be turned into content opportunities for your own marketing strategy. Trending topics may not always entirely relate directly to your practice or specialty but can still provide inspiration for your own blog posts (with some finessing).  



The utilization of video in digital content strategy has grown significantly in popularity over recent years. In a 2018 Hubspot survey, 54 percent of people asked said they wanted to see more videos from the brands and businesses they follow. The people have spoken! Adding video to your medical marketing content rotation can be a great way to increase engagement with your audience. Visit Google Trends to see examples and get some guidance. How long are most videos? What is the tone? What is the content being covered (and what is missing)? You have a story to tell and an audience out there that wants to hear it.


Social Media

When creating your content calendar for social media, do not fear the blank spaces. View the days on which content is lacking as windows of opportunity. Check in with Google Trends and see what the most popular topics are at the moment. You can then craft your content for the day based on the trends that make sense and you can make work for you. Don’t forget to use those hashtags and make sure that you are connected to the conversation!


As you use Google Trends to create your of-the-moment content, try to also think ahead for the future. How can you take a particular trending topic and spin it into an additional piece of content that is “evergreen” (content that will age well and stay relevant). You can do this by avoiding specific dates, news references, and getting bogged down in extreme detail. Take advantage of your time on the site to set yourself up for future content success!


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