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3 Medical Marketing Trends You Can Still Try in 2018



We’re getting close to that time of year when all of the “Trends You’ll See in 2019” blog posts start making their way out into the world (we’ll even have one of our own!). Looking at the forecast ahead and planning out your strategy is crucial but the year isn’t over yet. In the meantime, you still have opportunity to utilize some of those marketing trends, tricks, and techniques you’ve been meaning to try out this year.

Here are five medical marketing trends to consider:


Keep the video coming

Video is certainly not a new concept for the internet. However, the utilization of video in digital brand strategy has grown significantly in popularity over recent years. In a 2018 Hubspot survey, 54 percent of people asked said they wanted to see more videos from the brands and businesses they follow. The people have spoken! Adding video to your social media strategy can be a great way to increase engagement with your audience.

The best part is that video is doable for any brand – that includes doctors and medical practices. You have a story to tell and an audience out there that wants to hear it. Making the leap into video content is easier than you think. All you need is a smartphone and an idea!


Content remains king

If you want your audience to pay attention and give you the time of day, you need to give them a reason to do so. That means providing them with content that will grab (and keep) their attention – content that is interesting, engaging and information. Articles, videos and slideshows are great ways to keep people engaged and keep them on your website and social media profiles! Remember – content does not always need to be a grand production. You can still attract and engage your audience with content that is short and sweet.

Content creation can be overwhelming so don’t stress yourself out too much. If you find yourself struggling to come up with content ideas, think about the big three: practice (services, newsletter, staff), patients (reviews, stories), medicine (news, studies, technology).


Be a better (social) listener

As you know, social media is a key component of your practice’s overall digital strategy and is an invaluable tool to boost business and connect with your patient base. What not everyone may realize is that these digital platforms can also be extremely useful in understanding your online reputation and how these finding can make a direct impact on your business. Social listening is the process of monitoring your practice’s social channels for conversations, mentions and any other relevant news surrounding your brand and industry.

Learn how to collect this data and utilize it to make informed decisions about your strategy, your customer service and your practice. Look for patterns in your online feedback to see what’s working (and what’s not), be proactive and engage with your audience in their comments, and take a look at the social profiles of your competitors to see if you can glean some tips from the feedback of their audiences.


If you’ve been kicking around the idea of trying something new with your medical marketing this year, you still have time! Start with baby steps, test the waters, and then decide if and how you want expand your digital strategy in 2019.


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