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How to Handle Negativity Online



Scathing comments can strike fear into anyone who manages the social presence of a company. The worry, of course, is that these negative words will resonate with current and prospective patients and ultimately cause them to seek medical services elsewhere. Luckily, there are steps you can take to mitigate the situation and help minimize any damage.


Acknowledge It Quickly

Most negative comments or posts that are directed toward companies are done in the “heat of the moment.” Whatever the problem may be (issues with appointments, quality of care, prescribed treatments, etc.) patients will take to social media because they feel like that are not being listened to for one reason or another. Warranted or not, a feeling of desperation kicks in and they want to get your attention through any means necessary.

A speedy response is top priority here. Firstly, allowing time to pass before introducing your response only leaves more oxygen to fuel the fire. If the patient has posted their rant on only one of your channels, try to keep it that way. Defuse the bomb before it goes off – to other channels. You don’t necessarily need to perfect answer in that immediate moment. Acknowledge the patient, recognize that they experiencing an issue, demonstrate that your practice cares, and open the door for a peaceful resolution.


See It From Their Side

It’s easy to meet anger with anger. Too easy. Your practice, as a brand, must rise above that. Yes, there may have been an issue behind-the-scenes that is to blame for the problem that arose. Upset patients do not care about that. All that matters is how it is affecting them. In your initial response, do not rattle off a list excuses for this or that. You will be wasting valuable time and probably irritating the patient even further. Moreover, making excuses tends (valid or not) reflects very poorly on the practice. Just don’t do it.

Acknowledge that the validity of this person’s feelings, make apologies and quickly move forward to a solution.


Take it out of the public eye

Again, do not provide oxygen for the fire to burn. Allowing the ranter to have their audience only means full speed ahead. After you provide the initial acknowledgement, offer to continue the conversation in a different space. This can be over the phone, in private message, through email or in office. Just make sure that you are in no way implying any intention of silencing the patient – just that the conversation will continue in a more appropriate forum. And, whatever you do, do not delete the comment or post. This could ignite a second round of ranting from the patient and will definitely make your practice look untrustworthy to the rest of your audience.


Defeat the Trolls

Some people just want to watch the world burn. Whether it be for attention or personal enjoyment, some folks will post scathing reviews or comments regardless of what the truth of the matter is. Don’t let them get the better of you. Begin by offering to take the conversation to a different venue to find a resolution. If they refuse (a very clear sign of a troll), do not engage them further. They need this interaction to help carry on this performance. Issue an apology to your audience for this person’s behavior and ensure them that your practice upholds a professional manner on its channels.


Negative social media comments are never fun to deal with but often come with the territory of having an online presence. Act quickly, acknowledge the emotion behind the situation and bring the conversation to a more private venue. Follow these best practices and help ensure that your patients stay happy and heard.


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